Does this help explain the emergence of frat rap? Are you a parent who hopes your child will one day attend a prep school? By going to Exeter are you assured at least one get out of jail for smuggling cocaine card, like Exonian John Forte? Why didn’t I go to a prep school? Why aren’t all secondary schools, preparatory schools? Have you ever read The Chocolate War or like me did you just see the movie? Is reading more about learning and movies more about entertainment? Is that a poorly structured sentence that still manages to get its point across? Will this #reading tag that @WiseIntelligent is promoting ever take off? Why is Dj Eclipse reading The Valachi Papers, an account of the first mafia informant? If my son reads more, will he get to go to a prep school? These are the questions people. Peace to aspiring rapping professors.

Prep School Students Explain Odd Future

via WITW