We Came From Beyond Aug. 30, 2009 – KXLU 88.9 8/30/09 The Last Show | playlist
Mike’s comments added: 17th September 2009 11:08:42
The Last Show is posted!!! There is part of the show that I didn’t get it’s when AWOL was on air, sorry about that. If anyone out there has that part please let me know. Again I want to thank all you out there for listening and all the great feedback. I was swamped with a lot of great emails from you guys, it’s really touching to know I had that much of an impact on you. I’m very uncertain about the future but know there will be something musical in my life. Again thank you for allowing me to share my passion with you over the years, it was my pleasure and a great honor. Peace.
Mike’s comments added: 3rd September 2009 08:34:27
It’s true, We Came From Beyond is over. Well at least it’s over with KXLU. I still have the final 2 shows to post. I’ll post the show from the 23rd this week. If anyone has the last show recorded I need that recording. My recording crapped out at the beginning, so I need a little help. Thanks again for all the great emails and kind words.
Mike’s comments added: 1st September 2009 09:00:30
Can you believe it after 20 plus years I did my last show at KXLU. Anybody out there record that show? I have most of it and one listener gave me another chunk but there is still some missing. If you have it on tape digitally or some other format please drop me a line so I can get a copy and post the full show. Thanks again for everything. I’ll be posting the August 23rd show this week. Peace