Evelope - Shark Bolt (cover art)

My favorite bike riding (sorry Buck 65), Guiness drinking (oh how I love me a pre-noon Guiness) rapper is finally dropping some new material. Late last year, we got really excited when we first heard Envelope was working on a new album that would be entirely produced by fellow Ohian Blueprint. Here is the first leak and official cover art. This is the type of shit I look forward to. When I try to explain to my wife why I dig Envelope so much, I tend to refer to his work as Folk Rap. Please don’t think I mean some Flight Of The Conchords bullshit or even Richard Terfry’s cheesy attempts at honky tonk auctioneer rapping. What I’m trying to invoke is the sense that it’s a music that is an expression of a community of people rather than an attempt at a commodification of a form. I do realize that the ultimate release is a packaged cd and therefore like a commodity, but the music just doesn’t have that as it’s main purpose. Which brings me back to the issue of authenticity vs contrivance that I mentioned a few days ago. But yo, that’s all besides the point! This track bumps and is an example of one of the main purposes of our site, to give these artists the shine they deserve. Enjoy! [sidebar: that ramble is dedicated to the spirit and tradition of the late, great Alan Lomax]

Envelope – Oh My My My
Produced by Blueprint
Featured on upcoming album, Shark Bolt
Visit Envelope
Courtesy of Weightless Recordings

Shark Bolt By Envelope

Download Don’t You Let Him by Envelope
Produced by Amos Famous
Featured on Envelope’s self-titled cd