Raekwon wasn’t lying about the Rza’s guitar, a gift from Russell Crowe. I guess he’s not feeling the hippy vibe but yo, it might not be that bad. Seems like INS and U-God are down. But it does sound like Rza’s production style has been forever altered so don’t hope to strongly for that ’93 vibe. He’s experimenting a lot with gear and recording and mixing techniques. Messing with 3 mics in one booth? No samples? Logic, Pro-Tools, Reason? Can’t wait to get a listen. Link
Computer, recording hardware, DAWApple Mac G5, Logic
Digidesign Digi 002, Pro Tools|HD
Samplers, drum machinesAkai MPC4000
Roland MV-8000, MV-8800
Soft synths, plug-insPropellerhead Reason, ReCycle
Sony Oxford EQ, Dynamics
McDSP Filterbank
Waves Platinum bundle
Synths, guitarGretsch 1961 guitar
Korg Oasys
Roland V-Synth
Yamaha VL7
ConsoleSSL G Series
MicsAKG C 12
Neumann U 67, U 87
Shure 55 Unidyne
Mic preamp, EQs, compressors, effectsdbx 160 compressor
Eventide Harmonizer 3000
Lexicon D-Verb
Neve outboard EQs, 1081 preamp, 9080 compressor