Peace to UncommonMusic and Backwoodz.

Don’t miss “Yule Prog”, a two day event celebrating the Progressive Hip-Hop scene in New York City, brought to you by Uncommon Records and Backwoodz Studios.

This year on Day 1 (December 17th) at Public Assembly in Brooklyn you will see the first ever “Yule Prog Battle”. The battle will be hosted by Nasa and Billy Woods and judged by Masai Bey and Cirrus. The 3rd judge of the battle will be YOU, the crowd in attendance!!!
It will feature some of the best emcees in the Tri State battle scene today including Rabbi D, Skarman (aka King Armor), Chaz Kangaz, Chuck Brown and more. Some of the emcees were part of the famed “Subway Series” freestyle tour which brought emcees to each of the 5 boros for cyphers in one day.
The winner of the battle gets a digital single to be released in 2009, a chance to perform a full set on Day 2 of “Yule Prog” and 100 smackers!
Also performing that night will be Masai Bey and The Presence in full sets.

Day 2 brings you a full night of Progressive Hip-Hop performances at Southpaw in Brooklyn. Vast Aire (of Cannibal Ox) headlines with Despot (Def Jux/Ratatat fam), Homeboy Sandman (EOW/Brooklyn Bodega), Super Chron Flight Brothers, Zesto, HiCoup, 11:00A.M. and W.A.S.T.E.L.A.N.D.S.

You need to get your ass to Yule Prog!!! Full details and directions are on the flyer above. Press Passes are limited but available, respond to this email for info. Admission to Day 1 is $7, Day 2 is $10.

Be there!