Thanks Jordan.
Makes The World Go Round = 0:04 -0:34
Queens Get The Money = 0:35- 0:53
You Cant Stop Us Now = 0:54- 1:24
Breathe = 1:25 – 2:00
Hero = 2:01 – 3:35
America = 3:36 – 4:31
Sly Fox = 4:33 – 5:30
Slave and the Master = 5:31 – 6:00
Fried Chicken = 6:01 – 6:22
Yall My Niggas = 6:23 – 7:24
Black President = 7:25 – 8:18
I can + If i ruled the world = 8:19 – 9:17
Tha Carter III Piano Cover, Performed By Jordan DeLisser / video + audio