Seems like a great move for him both artistically and business-wise. Serengeti over Jel beats? Sounds dope! Link
…lastly my first album with ANTICON is to begin soon, production by jel…alias…nosdam….dose one. dope shit.
A friendly update from the editor: Serengeti was apparently just having some fun with Anticonoclast fans:
hey good people of grandgood,
can you please remove the story about serengeti signing to anticon.
he has not signed to anticon and no announcement of such has ever been
made other than on his myspace. i can’t deny wanting to talk to the
fellow, but seeing as we’ve never even exchanged a word, i think it’s
a bit premature to announce a signing.thanks very much for all the continued support.
shaun koplow
anticon. records | label manager