This dude standing at the other side of the train car was bopping to some music from his headphones. I was zoned out myself and for a short moment I imagined he was also listening to this Young Fathers Tape One ep. It’s something I do sometimes. Daily, uncomfortable, hour-long subway rides provide ample time for zoning out. But there must be something innate about wanting to enjoy music in unison. Sometimes I fantasize about the various strangers on the train and what their faces would look like if they all immediately started listening to what I’m listening to. Like if the loudspeakers on the F train suddenly started playing rap music that was made in someone’s basement the night before. Would they feel what I’m feeling? Would they understand? Like Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey, maybe they would all suddenly be enlightened? More likely they would get upset I think. And start cursing and probably leave the car at the next stop. Experiencing music can be oddly social and intensely private. Which I think adds to the sense of wonder it can evoke.
So I was listening to this Tape One EP and I was trying to understand how it is that this group, that has apparently made some distinctly happy-go-lucky poppy type music in the past, was able to put together something so fuzzy and warm and sonically edified. It’s a pretty good collection of understated rap-singy-songy tracks with dashes of sinister and emotionally troubled feelings getting banged out via drum patterns. Reconciling the very few digital trails I found of them online with this EP for some reason has taken undue effort. So I’ve decided to sort of ignore it for now and just embrace the music. I do not find it difficult to imagine people’s musical output changing as they themselves change. And if you listen closely enough I think you can catch a general sense of light-heartedness and optimism and technical mishaps that would fit with the old stuff.
Best of luck to Young Fathers, recently signed to Anticon. Looking forward to seeing their other vdos that were apparently pulled offline, possibly in preparation for a reemerging of sorts. Below is a quick google-internet media timeline for those so inclined.
March 2009 – Interview in Edinburgh
March 2009 – Interview @ Edinburgh Picture House for Box Glasgow
Circa April 2009 – Perform “Straight Back On It” @ Adidas House Party
July 2009 – Interview – on Michael Jackson, Marvin Gaye and Sam Cooke
Aug 2009 – Perform Bring It Home @ Edinburgh
Circa 2009 – Music vdo for Automatic
Circa 2009 – Automatic acapella
Circa 2009 – Perform Straight Back On It
July 2010 – Perform Firing Line for BBC Event
July 2010 – Perform Dancing Mantaray
Feb 2011 – A cappella in Edinburgh
Circa July 2011 – dance routine & performance @ music festival
Late 2011/Early 2012 Young Fathers release free “Tape One” ep, which also eventually gets three supporting music vdos. Good luck trying to find any of it now. And since I’m not going to be the douche that shares the links, instead I’ll just share this superduper awesome vdo review of the EP.
Sep 2012 – Anticon debut, vdo for Deadline