Mark Groton is into program trading now that he’s sorta done disrupting the music distribution space. The crux of the revealing information can be found in the comments section, unearthed by volunteer internet sleuths and finance-porn traders. Link
As long-term readers recall, the observation of Goldman’s dominant presence in the NYSE’s weekly program trading reports by Zero Hedge back in early 2009 was one of the key drivers that set in motion the backlash against algorithmic trading and HFT which back in 2009 was the pinnacle of fringe topics and has since become a daily talking point and market scapegoat du jour on days when stocks are down (but never up). It also drew attention to Goldman’s prop trading division which Zero Hedge was the first and only vocal opponent of, and has since been demolished courtesy of the Volcker Rule, an event which both Moody’s and Alliance Bernstein now say could cost the bank dearly in top and bottom line, yet which Goldman told us on the record “represents approximately 10% of this year’s reported net revenue.” Guess it was more, huh… Yet the same NYSE weekly program trading update indicates that Goldman, up until now a monolith in NYSE program trading, has just lost its crown in that field as well. The new king. A firm called Latour Trading, which in the last week traded 484.6 million shares in principal strategies. Which begs the question: just who is this Latour Trading which dares to upstage the firm that does god’s work on earth. Alas, their website has been less than forthright. Inquiring minds certainly want to know. From the NYSE: