Assuming its true the hacker group taking responsibility for infiltrating did so in response to the Frontline episode on Wikileaks, how does this act potentially affect the message? They sacrifice clarity, especially by looping in all of PBS. But maybe the level of exposure will outweigh this confusion? And then what if this headline also serves as outwright distraction, diverting attention away from the seriousness of the underlying issue? Or worse yet, what if it becomes another issue altogether? If I was a cable news host I would totally piggyback on this for a segment on immature hackers running rampant across the interwebs, causing mischief and needing to be controlled. Do we really want an international Internet agency policing our mouses? No Mr. President, we do not. But do stunts like this get twisted into “scary” memes that perpetuate myths? Yes, yes they do. Still, funny as shit though.
A report is spreading quickly on Facebook and Twitter that famed rapper Tupac Shakur is shockingly “alive and well” in New Zealand, 15 years after he died. This is of course false.