Great interview from summer 2010 by Troy L. Smith, Link. Also came across an interesting exchange via the forums between Plummer and a guy named Mike Barnes who had detailed questions and memories.
Troy: So Rappers Delight still had not come out yet and hip hop is starting to explode and you got all these D.j.s as far Flash, Theodore and in Queens you got these guys Ciphers Sounds, D.J. Divine and the Infinity Machine as well as The Disco Twins and you knew nothing about it because you were not living in the 5 boroughs any longer!
Plummer: Well I knew nothing about them because I was in a different world then I was now in a high technology world. I was working in a UNIX® systems development group.
Troy: So you caught UNIX when it first started?
Plummer: Not at the beginning, but sort of in the early days and it was close to home so that was cool. So that was the beginning of my other career and I’ve been involved with technology every since. As far as my neighborhood, I’ve always been involved with some kind of community project, whether it was advocating for my children within the school system, working sort community related education projects or like for the past five years, I’ve been running a martial arts leadership program down the the Boys and Girls Club in Trenton New Jersey.