Can’t say I don’t appreciate this on some level, as an attempt to reinterpret the event through the identity lens that Bobby has created for himself over the years. Admittedly not incredibly creative, what we have here is a simple replacement of the audio track to Rza’s wedding video with arguably one of the least likely wedding songs from his catalog (Domestic Violence, Bobby Digital In Stereo 1998 Gee Street/BMG Records). Although most of his musical endeavors are likely not a match for such a lovely, classically presented soiree, this one especially as it relates to the foul-mouthed exchange between to troubled lovers. Granted, I’ve attended plenty of weddings that feature Wu-Tang Clan certified hits as part of the Dj’s “rap” set, but I have yet to see any wedding video that chooses to include WTCANTFW. Then again, I’ve only seen a handful of wedding videos so what do I know. Anyway, although probably an accurate portrayal of mind-melding points in most marriages, not exactly the typical vantage point that couples tend to highlight on that day of ceremony and cultural alignment. More remixes please?