This StreetBeat, Break’N Out record is one of the earliest known hip hop compilations in Canada. Released in 1987, Break’ N Out featured tracks by Rumble & Strong, Michie Mee & L.A. Luv and the R & B duo Street Beat. A quick glance at the credits listed on the back of the record highlights the contributions of soundcrews such as Chic Dynasty and TKO, while also shouting out the Fantastic Voyage radio show—all elements critical to the emergence and success of Canadian hip hop. The artists on this compilation were all managed by Ivan Berry, who would go on to manage the Dream Warriors and launch the highly successful Rap Essentials compilations from 1994-2001 that gave a new generation of emcees a chance to shine.
This compilation features two tracks from the duo Rumble & Strong, “What Other Emcees Sound Like” and ” Strong Will Survive”. Rumble & Strong were the two remaining members of a crew called T.O. Vice, one of the first emcee crews in Toronto to record their rhymes on vinyl. The Michie Mee & L.A. Luv tracks included on this record were “Elements of Style” and “Run for Cover”. The hybrid toasting and rapping on “Elements of Style” included an introduction by KRS-One in which he bigs up Michie as the “Cultural Representative of Canada”. Importantly, all the tracks by Rumble & Strong and Michie Mee & L.A. Luv were produced by Scott L.A. Rock and KRS-One. This record is said to be the last record Scott LA Rock produced before his untimely passing.
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