Pointed out here by Bry are examples of certain reputable artists being able to mostly maintain their public image whilst engaging in self-preserving corporate sponsorships and self-aggrandizing entrepreneurial activities. Fine. This does seem to speak to his somewhat vague, presumably obvious, “Art vs. Commerce argument” that he feigns boredom for, but these instances do not speak entirely to the notion of “selling out”. It is important not to obfuscate issues that relate to Art & Commerce which may or may not include selling out, commodification and cultural alienation. Why? Cause I say so. Aaaand, also cause it can lead to confusion, disempowerment and perpetuation of shitty pop drums and synths (don’t u dare call me out on my generalizations!). But lets focus on the these so-called “sellers” for a sec. Accusations of selling out tend to be thrown at artists who would appear to overly compromise belief systems or other image-builders in a surprising or unexpected fashion. They are also commonly thrown at artists who appear to be primarily concerned with the scrilla instead of focusing on the quality and/or impact of their work. These points are real and worth recognizing but ignore the systemic issues that initiate the downward spiral towards the undermining of cultural values. Historically artists were faulted for “selling out”. In other words, faulted for adapting to their economic environment. The degree to which they were considered to ass out was directly proportional to the level of public retraction. Us contemporarily arrogant and obnoxious types realize this was mind-trickery! The issue isn’t selling out or not selling out, it’s WHY do they succumb to selling out? Why is the discussion about the artists and not the marketing machines? Why did the Rza stop focusing on loops? Is it an accident that the soundscape in rap changed after the Grand Upright ruling? Is K’naan’s “refashioning” of his lyrics for Coke “beyond the art vs. commerce argument”? Is rap really “largely” immune? Link
Rap Does Not Tear Up the Art Vs. Commerce Argument
Jun 24, 2010
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